Friday, 27 July 2018

You are created for a purpose

"For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14).
You were born for a special purpose. Esther, a Jewish orphan maiden, lived in the city of Shushan. She was reared by her cousin Mordecai as his own daughter. The King of Persia was looking for a queen and by God's plan Esther won the heart of the king and she became the Queen of Persia. She hid her true identity for many years, living in fear that the King would find out that he married a Jew, the despised people of Persia.
The time came for Esther's true purpose. She was not born to be just a queen, but to be a savior of her people. By an evil plot of Haman, the King's Chief of Staff, an edict was stamped by the King for the destruction of the Jews. Esther lived in the Persian Palace, but she was still a Jew and therefore could be destroyed along all Jews. Her favor, the open doors, and her training was for 'such a time as this'. Her influence with the King would allow her to save her people, and she did.
Jesus lived His whole life with destiny and purpose at the rudder of his ship. He knew why He was born and His purpose guided His decisions, actions, and priorities in life. As you follow the Lord, each day He will guide your step into your purpose and eternal destiny. God needed you on planet Earth NOW, that's how special you are. Live each day with Him and day by day He will guide you in the path of righteousness to fulfill your purpose in life.
Kingdom Declaration:
God has crowned me with glory and honor to fulfill my purpose in His Kingdom.
Read the Bible in One Year: Psalm 46-48; Acts 28.

@Dr Pat Francis

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