Thursday, 26 July 2018

God is in control of your life


"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance." (James 1:2).
Consider how an oyster makes a pearl. When a grain of sand gets into its shell and irritates it, instead of resisting and resenting it, the oyster wraps it in layer after layer of beauty until a pearl is formed. The very person that is irritating you and the very thing that disturbs you can either make you bitter or better, the choice is yours.
You can either be fearful or faithful; frustrated or filled with peace, the choice is yours. You can either be worried or standing on the Word; hateful or pursuing humility, the choice is yours. You can either be vengeful or victorious; plotting evil or planning for good, the choice is yours.
The truth is: if you trust in God He will work out all things for good and prove in your life that Satan is still not strong enough against a believing Christian. Whatever comes your way, God is in control of your life. He is your Alpha and Omega, your Beginning and the End. Trust in Him and let His beauty be formed in you as pure joy.
Kingdom Declaration:
God is in control of my life. I live by faith.
Read the Bible in One Year: Psalm 43-45; Acts 27:27-44.

@Dr Pat Francis

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