Thursday, 12 April 2018

The Passionate Love of Jesus

Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted." Is. 53:4
We reflect on a tragic Friday over 2000 years ago, when an innocent man called Jesus was brutally beaten, tortured, and crucified.  Jesus passionately allowed it because of a greater purpose that includes you.  Jesus loves you. The word passion means suffering, compelling, and intense feeling or emotion, a pursuit to which one is devoted; the last suffering and death of Jesus Christ. 
Every bad experience of Jesus was deliberately allowed with you in mind:
  • His torture was for torment.
  • His judgmentwas for every time you are unfairly judged.
  • His betrayal was for grace when you are betrayed.
  • His desertion by His disciples was for when people you need are not there.
  • He was despised for victims of racism, prejudice, poverty, slavery.
  • His blood was shed for your sins.
  • His wounds were for your sickness.
  • His punishment was for your peace.
  • His death was to destroy the power of death.
The cross without the resurrection would have meant victory for Satan but the cross was only a journey with great purpose. Because He lives, we too shall live.  There is victory beyond every battle you face and hope beyond all your fears.  It was a Good Friday when Jesus in one blow on the cross conquered death, Satan, and the grave.  Hallelujah!
Kingdom Declaration:
The cross of Jesus is my weapon to destroy all evil.
Read the Bible in One Year: 1 Samuel 17-18; Luke 11:1-28

@Dr Pat Francis

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