Sunday, 22 April 2018


Dear Kingdom Enforcers,
Canadians and Nations are gathering for a convergence of faith, power, and glory at our 2018 annual conference May 16-20 in Toronto. Our theme "Open up the Gates to the King Glory" is a declaration and agreement that Jesus Christ shall flood our hearts and the earth with His CHAYIL (powerful great) Glory with salvation, victory, miracles, and revival. Christ in you is the hope of glory for our world. (Col. 1:27).
Here are some Topics and Highlights:
Jesus Christ our Banner
  • How to engage Angels in Spiritual Warfare
  • Kingdom of Influence Panel with discussions on:
    • "How to Target and Occupy the kingdoms of this world"
    • "The Digital Platform for Revival or Disaster"
    • "Political Authority and Influence in our World"
    • "Science of the Heart confirms the Bible"
    • "Wealth Management, now and Future"
  • Early morning Daily Prayer Summits
  • Strategies for Personal and Societal Transformation
  • Networking to form relationships with global leaders
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." (Is. 60:1). Pastors and Leaders bring your entire team, leadership, congregation, and friends. 
Kingdom Enforcers Conference, May 16-20, 2018
REGISTER NOW at or call 905.566.1084 Ext: 2204
Registration is FREE. Secure your "Jesus Christ is Our Banner" Flag
Covenant Wealth Luncheon ($50.00), Friday, May 18, 2018
"All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him." (Ps. 22:27).
CHAYIL Glory and blessings,
Pat Francis
Pastors and Leaders bring your entire team, leadership, and staff.
Invite your congregation.

Covenant Wealth Luncheon

A special feature of Kingdom Enforcers Conference is the Covenant Wealth Luncheon. This is a time of impartation, and networking with global business leaders for collaboration and strategic alliances. 

The Covenant Wealth Luncheon is one of the most well anticipated feature of the conference. The event is usually sold out. Reserve your spot early. 

Covenant Wealth Luncheon  
Friday, May 18, 2018 at 1:00pm

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