Saturday, 31 March 2018


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Verse Image on phone

This Easter, inspire your friends with Bible art.

When God’s Word touches your heart, capture the moment with a Verse Image. Verse Images are easy to make, and fun to share. Simply tap any passage, then Image, then follow the prompts. Create your own, or select from hundreds designed by professional graphic artists. Then share it with friends!
Romans 5:8 Verse Image

Get our Easter collection.

We share a Verse Image every day on our InstagramFacebookPinterest, and Twitter. In celebration of Holy Week, we commissioned this special series of Easter Verse Images. Tap any thumbnail below to download a full-sized version. Or, tap the text to open the verse inside the Bible App.
Romans 5:8 Verse Image
Matthew 20:28 Verse Image
Isaiah 53:5 Verse Image
Romans 6:23 Verse Image
Romans 8:11 Verse Image

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