Saturday, 31 March 2018


No, for real. Imagine it . 

If you're honest, you can relate to how hard giving money - even to good causes- can be. (Don't worry, I'm not coming for your tithe and offerings). Sacrificial giving is anything but easy. Now, try to imagine what it must have taken for God to give His only son to die the painful and embarrassing death that the cross was!

Easter is a beautiful time to reflect on the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God!
Life's routines can sometimes get in the way, but here's a time to pause, and truly appreciate God's gift to us. It's also an excellent time to share this love with our neighbors!

Celebrate Jesus this Easter!

 More Jesus!

You know where else we'll be spending an entire weekend digging into the wonder that Jesus is? Live it Loud 2018!

@YASMCanada everywhere

Give us a chance to drop gems on your timeline every now and then! We're active on FacebookTwitter and Instagram

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