Monday, 26 March 2018

Principle of Blessedness

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."  Matt. 5:3. 
Jesus taught His disciples the principles of 'blessedness'.  Happiness is emotional and dependent on chance and circumstances, but there is a 'blessedness' that is beyond the chances and changes of our lives.  The blessedness that comes from God is untouchable by outward forces and is like a cloak of favor covering us. 
God is the source of blessedness and therefore the strength of our relationship with Him will determine how blessed we are. The first key to His blessedness is to realize that without Him we have spiritual poverty. We become open to His blessedness when we recognize our need of Him, and ask Him to be our personal Savior and Lord. To recognize our need for God and our spiritual poverty without Him, "poor in spirit", makes us a potential recipient of His blessing.
This is contrary to the humanist thinking where pride rules to deceive us into thinking that either there is no God, or if there is a God, we don't really need Him. King David said to the LORD, "You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing."  Ps. 16:2. David remained dependent on God even after his promotion from shepherd to king, incredible wealth, and great fame.
Among the thousands of songs written by King David, he wrote: "I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.  O my Strength, I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my fortress, my loving God." Ps. 59:16-17.
Those who remain forever dependent on God, will inherit the blessedness of His Kingdom.
Kingdom Declaration:
The LORD is my strength, my love, my security, and my Savior forever.
Read the Bible in One Year: Joshua 19-21; Luke 2:25-52

|@Dr Pat Francis
+Chayil Women International 

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