Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Season Of Unlimited Blessings ( August 24)


Season of unlimited blessings

"The man asked him, 'What is your name?'  'Jacob,' he answered.  Then the man said, 'Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome.'" Genesis 32:27,28.
God sometimes changed the name of His servants when He saved them from desperation into purpose. Peter's name was changed from Simon (unstable), to Peter (rock).   Paul's name was changed from Saul (destroyer) to Paul (worker).  Abraham's name was changed from Abram (noble father), to Abraham (Father of many).
One of the greatest gifts we have in Christ Jesus, is the gift of 'new beginnings'.   In Christ there is always an opportunity to make a fresh start; to admit our mistakes and move on; to admit to our pain to be healed; to admit to our weaknesses to be strengthened. 
Jacob was true to his name.  He deceived his brother out of his birthright and blessing and he ended up reaping deception and treachery from his own father in law.  Jacob was fed up with his lifestyle of: blessings with cursing; riches with trouble; marriage with turmoil.  He turned to God and prayed through until he got a breakthrough.  God gave him a new name and blessed him for prosperity with lasting legacy from whom would come the twelve tribes of Israel. With his new name he got a new nature, a new walk, and a new future.  God is the God of another chance and He is only a prayer away for your new beginning.
Kingdom Declaration:
God is my Alpha and Omega and today I step into my new season of unlimited blessings.

@Dr Pat Francis

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