Saturday, 20 August 2016

Fight the good fight of faith(August 20)

Fight the good fight of faith
"Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good fight, holding on to faith and a good conscience."  1 Timothy 1:18,19.
Some of the greatest learning experiences are not found in a classroom behind a desk but in life's experiences.  We learn to depend on God when others fail us.  We learn of our strength in the middle of a storm.  We learn how to trust when the way seems dark.  We learn how to love when it is not returned.  We learn perseverance after failures.  We learn how to conquer when there are battles.  The fight of faith is a fight that refuses to lose or to give in to surrender. 
Bob Hoover is one of America's greatest test pilots.  He survived many crashes, fought fires mid-air, and wrestled out-of-control jets back to the ground.  In one crash he broke his back and almost died, but as soon as he recovered, he climbed back into the cockpit of another jet and soared into the heavens.  When asked why, he responded, "You gotta get back into the cockpit of the bird that bit ya." 
Don't give in, don't give over and don't give up.  As long as you get back in the game you will have an opportunity to win.  As long as you get back up again you will have the opportunity to walk towards your miracle.  Fight the good fight of faith and refuse to lose or give in to surrender.  God is with you.
Kingdom Declaration:
My battle is the LORD's therefore I will triumph over my enemies.

@Dr Pat Francis

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