Monday, 22 August 2016

Nevertheless,God !! August 22

Nevertheless, God
"Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them - the LORD, who remains faithful forever."  Psalm 146:5,6.
Our God is God of dysfunctional families. He goes by the name God of Jacob in spite of who Jacob was.  Jacob was Esau's twin brother and the second son of Isaac.  He took advantage of his brother's hunger and bought his firstborn birthright privilege for a plate of food.  Later with the help of his conniving mother, he deceived his almost-blind father and stole his brother's blessing. 
Jacob's name meant, 'trickster, con-artist' and he truly lived up to his name.  Jacob's family was dysfunctional with mother and father fighting over favourite sons; siblings with jealousy, treachery, and attempted murder.  Nevertheless, God remains the God of Jacob.  Jacob continued the family trait with his sons in a dysfunctional home with brothers hating each other and attempted murder.  Nevertheless, God remains the God of Jacob.  
Why? Jacob reminds us that God is merciful, able to transform lives, heal relationships, and nevertheless help us to fulfill our destiny.  Jacob cried out to God when he was tired of his old life with his old ways and consequences. Jacob was ready for change.  He was ready to fulfill his potential as the seed of Abraham.  He prayed all night and God changed his name from Jacob to Israel which means "prince of God". God kept the name of Jacob, however, to remind us that He is not just committed to perfect people, but to sinners who are willing to be saved. Today pray and receive His mercy that is new every morning.
Kingdom Declaration:
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life as I trust in the God of Jacob.

@Dr Pat Francis

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