Sunday 21 June 2020

The Lord is Peace

The Lord is Peace
"But the Lord said to him, "Peace! Do not be afraid. You are not going to die. So Gideon built an altar to the Lord there and called it The LORD is Peace." Judges 6:23,24.  
Gideon was a man who was discouraged. He and his family had suffered incredible losses at the hand of oppressive ravaging warriors called the Midianites. Gideon and his family were fighting for survival. He was frustrated, angry and confused about God, the enemy and himself. God appeared to him at the height of his anger and lovingly gave him hope for CHANGE.
God gave Gideon four things:
1) Hope. It is never too late for God to intervene regardless of how long or how hard the circumstance is or even how frustrated and angry you are. God is not intimidated by your anger. He loves you. As your Prince of Peace, He will calm raging storms of fear, anger and shame in your heart.
2) Strength. God will give you His strength to get out of poverty, oppression and depression. Gideon would have to work hard and fight for his new life, but God would help him all the way.
3) Peace. The antidote for a heart filled with strife, torment and self-condemnation is peace. As a father and husband, Gideon blamed himself as he watched his family suffer, but The LORD became his Peace.
4) Faith. God restored his faith and confidence in God and in himself.
As Gideon listened to the words of encouragement from God, faith filled his heart. His heart was changed from depression to determination, from passiveness to passion and from weakness to strength for victorious warfare for himself, his family and Israel. He determined to succeed and he did, with the help of the LORD who became his Peace.
Kingdom Declaration:
My God is my LORD of Peace who gives me the power and peace for overwhelming victory.

Read the Bible in One Year: Esther 3-5; Acts 5:22-42.

@Dr Pat Francis

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