Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Practicing the Presence of God

Practicing the Presence of God

"If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand."  (Ps. 37:23,24).
With such great promises we need to know how to make God 'delight' in our ways.  When you daily practice the power of God you will daily experience the power of God. 
Practice three things:
1) Daily prayer.  Develop a stronger relationship with God by daily talking with Him and receive messages from His heart to yours. Tell God about your fears and He will replace them with His faith.  Tell Him about your troubles and He will send you relief.  Tell Him about your failures and He will forgive you.  Tell Him about your desires and He promises to guide you and give you the desires of your heart.
2) Daily read His word. The Bible is God's words to you. As you read His word, listen to His voice. The Bible contains general words, but as you read and listen you will hear words that are relevant to your situation. The Bible is God's manual for a life of success. It contains instructions and encouragement that will preserve and protect you. 
3) Daily action. Each day, purpose to obey God's principles that are found in His word.  Obey God one choice at a time. Walk in His way one step at a time.  Live for Him one day at a time.  When you make a mistake, repent quickly.  When you are hurt forgive quickly. As you practise the presence of God, you will daily experience the power of God.
Kingdom Declaration:
The LORD is my strength and my shield, my hope and my salvation.

@Dr Pat Francis

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