Sunday 3 June 2018

Kingdoms of Influence

"Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, 'The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!'" Rev. 11:15.
God has made a bold declaration that He will position His believers in the kingdoms (societies) of this world. Jesus told us to pray: "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Matt. 6:10. God's will has both a spiritual and a practical aspect to it. We must pray and we must also 'go' and 'do'. Faith without works is dead. God's Kingdom Enforcers are people of influence that He will promote, exalt, and position in the kingdoms of this world.

'The Family is a powerful kingdom of influence of this world. The family is the core unit of society and affects all the kingdoms of this world. The home with a family is an incubator for either healthy or tarnished people. You can be influential in your family through prayer, counsel, practical help, love, and good will. Your prayer will be a protective covering for your family: "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved - you and your household." Acts 16:31.
Religion is also a powerful kingdom of this world because it controls the minds, cultures, systems, and human behavior. By believing in Jesus Christ you are powerful with access to God for divine intervention in the affairs of this world. As you believe, pray, serve, work, and play remember that God has positioned you in the kingdoms of this world to represent Him to save others and to reflect Him so they can see Him through you. Christ in you is the hope of glory for our world.
Kingdom Declaration:
I am a Kingdom Enforcer to influence my world with the love and glory of Jesus Christ.
Read the Bible in One Year: 2 Chronicles 19-20; John 13:21-38

@Dr Pat Francis

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