Tuesday 6 December 2016

Everybody needs somebody(December 6)

Everybody needs somebody
"I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, that I also may be cheered when I receive news about you.  I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare."  Philippians 2:19,20.
Paul knew that we all need to be encouraged and cheered on in the journey of life. No one can succeed or fulfill our destiny without somebody else helping us.  Moses as a baby needed the help of his sister and as a deliverer he needed the help of Joshua, Aaron, Hur, and Miriam.  Abraham needed the help and cooperation of Sarah. David, as great as he was, needed a friend like Jonathan, and later 400 committed supporters to make him King.  Saul needed Ananias to connect him to the disciples and to believe in him when no one else would, and the disciples to mentor him in the ways of Jesus. 
Jesus needed the cooperation of a woman called Mary who was willing to take the risk and be branded as the mother of an illegitimate child.  Jesus also needed a team of twelve committed disciples to establish Christianity and His Kingdom on earth.  We all need somebody at some time in our life to help us get to where we need to go. 
Three things:
1)  Learn to trust.  You cannot accept your helpers unless you can trust them. 
2)  Be willing to submit.  Humility is the door to honor.
3)  Be committed to your helpers.  Sow loyalty and kindness and you will reap the same.
Today God cheers you on to victory.  If you look and listen you will also see that there are helpers and cheerleaders around you.
Kingdom Declaration:
I thank God for His gift of wonderful helpers and supporters in my life.

@Dr Pat Francis

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