Wednesday, 28 February 2018

EA Ski and Snowboard

Have you been dreaming of your perfect gap year for awhile now? You keep putting it off because of things such as having a little bit more money, getting work experience or not having enough time up your sleeve? Are these niggly excuses holding you back from just going for it and doing something new and exciting this year?

We've put together a list of things that may be holding you back from turning your dream gap year into a reality and joining EA Ski and Snowboard next winter to train, qualify and work as a ski instructor. As they say, there's no time like the present and even though job's fill your pocket, adventure fills the soul. 

1. I don't speak Japanese or much French, how could I live and work in Japan or Switzerland? 
Is it really a good idea to go to a new country with a completely different language? Of course it is. Languages and culture are what make a country unique and enriching. Plus, EA Ski & Snowboard also help you by partnering with ski schools that are English speaking and get you set up with bank accounts and accommodation. 
Emily, who is completing a season in Japan this year said "It’s a lot less stressful than it seems, trust me! Especially with things such as being able to book the flights through STA, not only because of the discount you receive with EA Ski & Snowboard but because you are on the same flights as everyone else doing the course. Once you arrive, EA organises a bus for your transfer to the temporary lodging as well as some introductory information to the area you are in."

2. I'm not sure whether I want to use my visa now? 
Many of our interns complete their winter season and then stay on for the summer doing exciting things such as surf instructing, road tripping and exploring. Your visa and gap year experience doesn't end with the course, it's up to you what you make of your visa.

PLUS - The fantastic thing about ski instructing is that it is a skill. If your aim is to do multiple seasons ski instructing then you will soon qualify for sponsorship visas in countries such as New Zealand, Japan and Canada. You wont have to worry about what visa you've already used, because you could be eligible for another one. 
All-inclusive instructor internships include: 
  • A guaranteed instructor job offer
  • Full training
  • Accommodation
  • Employee season pass
  • Level one exam module 
  • Arrival pack including your own EA hoodie and printed materials 
  • STA deals on travel insurance and much more...
Becoming an instructor and getting paid to ski or snowboard for a winter is a dream come true. EA Ski and Snowboard Training have limited places available for those of intermediate or above ability levels. Download your guide to becoming an instructor in Japan or Switzerland for 2018/19 below. 
Instructor starter guide
If joining one of EA ski and snowboard's instructor programs in Japan next year appeals to you - Now is the time to act!

While start dates are one year away, the process of sorting visas, saving money and organising flights does require some time. Not to mention the fact that the best spots in the tops resorts are limited and often sell out early (due to resort hiring allocations). EA Ski and Snowboard assist people who get on board early with the best resort placements, visa assistance and their secured job offer. 
See if you qualify

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